Year 3/4 statutory word list
Welcome to 3GB
Teacher: Mrs Bryant
LSA: Mrs Squires
Welcome to our class page for the Spring term 2025.
We have lots of exciting learning that will be happening in our class over this half term.
In English we will be reading a version of 'The Pied Piper of Hamlin' and focusing on descriptive writing as well as the SPAG features within year 3.
We will also be teaching the skills of skimming and scanning a reading text and begin to look at how to answer retrieval questions (who, where, when to start) as well as 'find and copy words'.
In maths we will be looking at subtraction using the column method. we will look at exchanging and applying this to word problems and reasoning.
We will also be consolidating our 2x table knowledge, then starting to look at 3, 4, 5 and 10 x table facts. Please help your child to learn these at home as well as division facts.
In the afternoon, we will be covering a range of subjects.
In history, we will be focusing on the Mayans, looking at their beliefs, daily life and number system.
In PSHE we will be thinking about 'healthy me', focusing on exercise, how to keep our mind and bodies healthy as well as what to do if we feel in danger.
In science we will look at forces and magnets. we will complete some investigations and look at how to make a fair test.
In RE we will look at Christianity and think about the life and teachings of Jesus.
In music, children will continue to learn how to play the recorder with Mr Wolfe and look at the temp of music.
Important information
Homework will be given out every Friday and be due in on Wednesday. This will be a piece of work in books to consolidate learning from that week. Children will have also have a sheet of spellings to learn which will also include the word of the week and two spellings from the statutory 3 and 4 word list. They will also have a mixture of multiplication and division questions depending on which times table olympic level they are working on. Please help them to learn practice these daily. Here are some websites that may help you:
There will be a times table test and spelling test every Thursday.
PE kits
The children do not need to bring PE kits to school. On Friday the children can come to school in their PE kits with their school jumper over the top. When it is colder, they are welcome to wear their joggers. Please ensure children wear appropriate footwear on these days too.
Reading books
We use accelerated reader books for our reading. The children will complete a star reader test in school which will give us the children's book band level. Once they have read the book, they complete a comprehension quiz in class on their book. If they score above 80% they can move up to the next level. Children will read in school daily and quiz in school so it is really important their reading books are in everyday.