Welcome to 4CC!
Class teacher: Mrs Clutterbuck and Mrs Foyle
Teaching assistant: Miss O'Grady
4CC have settled back in really well after Easter and have been working hard in all their subjects.
Below is some key information that you might find useful:
This term, we are reading and writing about Ted Hughes' 'The Iron Man'. We will look at features of character descriptions and letters of advice so that we can captivate the reader. In our writing, we will include punctuation and grammatical features appropriate for Year 4.
In maths this term, we are focusing on shape. This will include learning about parallel and perpendicular lines, comparing angles and understanding features of quadrilaterals and polygons.
This term in science, we will learn to compare and group materials according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases. We will also learn that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled.
This term, we will be continue to look at Ancient Rome to answer the overarching enquiry question 'What did the Romans do for us?'
4CC have their PE on a Monday and Thursday so please can the children come into school in their PE kit on those days.
We read daily in school and the children are expected to read for 15 minutes each day at home as part of their homework. Please ensure that children bring their reading book and reading record into school daily.
The children have access to myON® which has hundreds of online books to choose from.
Every week, the children are given a list of the spellings they will be learning in class and tested on. The children are encouraged to try different ways and find what works best for them.
The children have their spelling test every Friday.
Here are a range of ideas that children can use to practise their spellings at home:
Times tables
By the end of Year 4, children are expected to know all of their times tables up to 12x12. We practise times tables as often as we can in school. The children are expected to practise their times tables each week at home as part of their homework.
Here are some of the ways they could be practised at home:
* https://urbrainy.com/mtc?test#
* The PiXL App
* https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
* https://www.purplemash.com/#tab/home/maths/times_tables_ma
* https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zd2f7nb/articles/zn2y7nb
The children have their times tables test every Friday.
Maths and English
The links below have some great videos and explanations for the topics we will cover in Maths and English.