Welcome to 5KA/GW!
Teacher: Mrs Axe, Mr Wolfe and Mrs Higgins
Welcome to our class page.
Below is some key information that you may find useful.
Reading Books
Once every term, children sit a Star Reader assessment which helps in identifying an appropriate book level for them. Every day, the children are given time to read a book of their choice (based on their suggested book level). Once the children have read their books, they can sit an AR quiz which, if they get above 80%, means they can go up a book level. We ask that they spend some time reading at home - whether that’s their AR book, or in the form of a comic, magazine or a non-fiction book on cars (anything that sparks their interest in reading).
Spellings are handed out weekly and spelling test in on a Friday. Please make sure your child is practising their spellings regularly. Children can practise their spellings in any way they like. Below you can see a selection of suggested techniques to help in learning spellings.
Times Tables
Rapid recall of times table facts is an essential skill in maths. Linked below are recommended websites for children to use to help in learning their times tables.
The children all have ttrockstars accounts and they can join in to battle it out against the other year 5 classes.