Class teacher: Mrs Richards
Teaching assistant: Miss Wood
Below is some key information that you might find useful:
This term, we are reading The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. We will look at character descriptions, recount writing, and letter writing. Whilst including punctuation and grammatical features appropriate for Year 4.
In maths this term, we are focusing on shape, including angles, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, and symmetry.
This term in science, will are focusing on the material, such as states of matter and their properties, the processes of melting and evaporation. We will experiment to see some of these processes first hand and draw upon previous experiences to help understand and explain the background of the science.
This term, we will continue with our unit of work on the Romans. We will think like historians, make opinions on historic events and gain an understanding of 'What the Romans did for us', which is our overall enquiry question.
Year 4 have their PE lessons each Thursday and Friday. Therefore, the children will need to come into school wearing their PE kit on those days and will remain in them for the rest of the day.
Times tables
By the end of year 4, children are expected to know all of their times tables up to 12x12. We practise times tables as often as we can in school. The children are expected to practise their times tables each week at home as part of their homework.
Here are some of the ways they could be practised at home:
Pixl app
The children have their times table test every Wednesday.