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Welcome to 3SH

Teacher: Miss Holley


LSA: Mrs Symes


Welcome to our class page for the Autumn term 2024.


In English, we are reading the fiction text 'Leon and the Place Between'. Already we have visited the 'Circus' and had a go at a range of circus skills. We will be using this story to inspire a piece of descriptive writing. In reading we will be teaching and looking at the skill of skimming and scanning a text. as well as looking at how to answer retrieval questions (who, where, when) and 'find and copy word' questions.


In Maths, will be focusing on place value and number. We will continue to consolidate and learn our 2 times tables and apply our knowledge to reasoning and problem solving.


This term, in our afternoon sessions we are will be covering a range of different subjects. In Geography we will be focusing on learning about mapping our local area, looking at maps and understanding a compass.


In Science we will investigate rocks and then soils. We will think about the permeability and hardness of rocks, erosion and fossils. We will also focus on Mary Anning.



In RE we will be exploring the religions Christianity and Judaism with the over aching question being 'What is important to me?' We will look at Christian stories and Christian and Jewish festivals. 


In PHSE our focus will be 'me in my world', focusing on the rules of our school, who we are to others and our emotions. 


In Music as a class we will start to learn how to play the recorder.


In Art the children Will be looking at gestural drawing using charcoal with Mrs O


In PE will be focusing on the skills of hockey and football (weather permitting).


Important information



Homework will be given out every Friday and be due in on Wednesday. This will be a piece of work in books to consolidate learning from that week. Children will have also have a sheet of spellings to learn which will also include the word of the week and two spellings from the statutory 3 and 4 word list. They will also have  a mixture of multiplication and division questions depending on which times table olympic level they are working on. Please help them to learn practice these daily.


Homework (spellings) will be sent home on a weekly cycle. The spellings will be assessed each week on a Friday.


Times tables tests will take place every Thursday. Children will need to pass (100% correct) two times before moving on to the next level.


Please ensure children are learning their spellings and times tables at home.


PE kits

The children do not need to bring PE kits to school. On Wednesdays and Fridays the children can come to school in their PE kits with their school jumper over the top. When it is colder, they are welcome to wear their joggers. Please ensure children wear appropriate footwear on these days too. 


Reading books

We use accelerated reader books for our reading. The children will complete a star reader test which will give us a level for their reading book. Once they have read the book, they complete a comprehension quiz in class on their book. If they score above 80% they can move up to the next level. We ask that you ensure you record any reading that takes place at home with a simple comment inside your child’s Reading Record. After passing a test each child will earn points that they collect together to earn a bronze star badge working their way trough the year to a gold star.


TT Rockstars

We encourage all children to learn/practise their times tables weekly, this can be through games, chanting, quick fire questions or there are many apps. In school we use TT Rockstars https://play.ttrockstars.com/ that can be accessed from home (their is also a ttrockstars app than can be downloaded onto most devices). Each child's log in is on the inside of their reading journals.


