Class 3GB, 2015-16
Welcome to 3GB!
Our class teacher is Mrs Bryant (lower phase leader) and our LSA is Mrs Squires. We have had a brilliant start to the year and have settled in well as we have embraced the high expectations in our work and behaviour which means that we always try our best, work hard, respect others and are enthusiastic learners.
During lessons, we try hard to be resilient and love to challenge ourselves. We are proud of what we achieve and enjoy sharing the work we have done.
In Literacy, we have been using The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl as inspiration to write our own ‘Defeating the Monster’ stories, thinking carefully about the exciting word choices we can use to bring our stories to life. As well as stories, we have been writing non-chronological reports, using laptops to research lots of interesting facts to include. Next half term we will be looking at the three little pigs and alternative versions of this fairy tale.
In Numeracy, we have enjoyed learning addition, subtraction, multiplication and division methods, and we are starting to use these methods to help us solve word problems. Also, we have been practising our times tables and number facts and we are making good progress.
Our topic this term has been rocks and soils and from this, we have learnt fascinating facts about what is below our feet. Furthermore, we have been learning about volcanoes and earthquakes and we will hopefully be making our own later this term!