Emergency school closure
These are the procedures we use in case of emergency Academy closure. They are drawn up to ensure the pupils’ safety is always our top priority.
You will be told that the Academy is to be closed either:
1. By letter taken home by pupils at the end of the previous day
OR 2. Visit the Academy website - https://www.hampacademy.co.uk/ the scrolling banner will inform you if school is closed
OR 3. Via class Dojo
OR 4. Visit the local authority website - https://slp.somerset.org.uk - for a full list of all school/academy closures.
News of the Academy's re-opening will also be broadcasted by the above methods.
In bad weather conditions, many parents/carers and staff phone the Academy. Please be patient, we will answer your call as soon as we can. Thank you for your help, we hope we do not need to close the Academy due to poor weather, but if we do, the above arrangements will help make the closure smooth and safe for your child.